Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry

Dinner Party

Friday, September 26, 2008 (19:00)


On this page you can register for the Dinner Party on  Friday evening at the Laguna Blue, Steinfurterstr.104, Muenster. The price fort he dinner party will be 30 EUROS (20 EUROS for students) including all drinks. For those participants who paid the conference fee, the party is included. 

There are three menues to choose from, and we kindly ask you to let us know by Tuesday, September 23, about your choice. If for some reason (e.g. allergies and such) you cannot choose either of them, then please give us advice about possible alternatives so that we can arrange for it.

Please register here (just write Menue 1,2 or 3 into the subject line).




Menues (please forgive the poor English translation)




Menue 1




1st course

Jakobsmuscheln mit Kraeutern und Parmesan ueberbacken

(Jacob-mussels with herbs baked with Parmesan cheese)

2nd course

Seeteufelfilet in Rosapfeffersauce  und Salat

(Seedevil in a pepper souce with salad)

3rd course

Lammlachse mit Kraeuterkruste und Rotweinsaucee und Beilagen

(Lamb in herbs with a red wine sauce)

4th course

Mascarpone Creme mit frischen Früchten

(Mascarpone cream with fresh fruits)



Menue 2




1st course

Anti Pasti Misti

(mixed Italian starters)

2nd course

Zanderfilet an Proseccosauce  und Salat

(Filet of the zander with a Prosecco sauce and salad)

3rd course

Schweinefilet mit Parmaschinken und Salbei Weissweinsauce

(porc medaillons with Parma ham and white wine sauce)

4th course

Frischer Annanas mit Grand Manier

(Fresh pine apple with Grand Manier)



Menue 3


1st course

Anti Pasti Misti

(mixed Italian starters)

2nd course

Salat mit frischen Fruechten

(salad with fresh fruits)

3rd course

Cannelone mit frischem Blattspinat und Gorgonzolasauce

(Canneloni with fresh spinnach and Gorgonzola cheese sauce)

4th course

Vanille Panna Cotta an Mangofrucht

(Vanille Panna Cotta with Mango)


Click here get to Google maps and type in the adress Steinfurterstr. 104, Muenster, to find the Laguna Blue

Siegfried Echterhoff

Last modified: Tue September 10 15:02:35 CEST 2008