Sonderforschungsbereich Geometrische Strukturen in der Mahtematik

Noncommutative Algebras

How to get to the hotels

Hotel Jellentrup

Address: Hüfferstrasse 52, 48149 Münster, Tel.: +49-251-9 81 05 0

Marked by a "J" on pink background, it is located on Hüfferstrasse, approximately where the lower right corner of the box with the "J" is.
To get there from the railway station, take bus no. 4, 11, 12 or 14, each of which stops at "Hüfferstiftung" which is in Hüfferstrasse. Hotel Jellentrup is close to this bus stop on the other side of the street.
To get from there to the Institute of Mathematics, marked by an "M", go through through Hittorfstrasse.

Hotel am Schlosspark

Address: Schmale Strasse 2-4, 48149 Münster, Tel.: +49-251-8 99 82 00

Marked by an "S" on pink background, it is located on Schmale Strasse, approximately where the upper left corner of the box with the "S" is.
To get there from the railway station, take bus no. 5 or 20, which stops at Wilhelmstrasse. Go further in the same direction down Wilhelmstrasse, after 60 meter Schmale Strasse is on the right.
To get from there to the Institute of Mathematics, marked by an "M", simply go down Einsteinstrasse.

Ina Reckermann - Jan. 5, 2006