Some past and some upcoming events:

08/2020: YMC*A, Münster


08/2020: Interactions between expanders, groups and operator algebras

              Miniworkshop, Münster

07/2020: 8ECM Minisymposium Operator Algebras, Portoroz

06/2020: Cuntz semigrous

               Workshop, Münster

06/2020: Groups meet C*-algebras

               [7th Florianopolis–Münster–Ottawa Conference

               in honour of Siegfried Echterhoff’s 60th birthday], Münster



2020:      Operator algebras and topological dynamics: amenability and beyond.

               Focus Programme, Münster


09/2019: Topology and Measure in Dynamics and Operator Algebras, Banff

08/2019: C*-Algebras, Oberwolfach

08/2019: YMC*A, Copenhagen

06/2019: Opening Colloquium Mathematics Münster

06/2019: Operator Algebras, Groups, and Applications to Quantum Information,

               ICMAT, Madrid

06/2019: Special Week on Operator Algebras, ECNU Shanghai

11/2018: Model Theory and Operator Algebras, Banff

08/2018: YMC*A, Leuven

08/2018: YWC*A, Leuven

08/2018: ICM, Rio de Janeiro

07/2018: ICM Operator Algebras Satellite Conference, Florianopolis

05/2018: GPOTS, Miami University in Oxford, Ohio

05/2018: NCGOA, Münster

10/2017: Applications of the UCT for C*-algebras, Masterclass, Copenhagen

09/2017: MASAs and Automorphisms of C*-algebras, Mini Workshop, Oberwolfach

09/2017: Future targets in the classification program for amenable C*-algebras, Banff

08/2017: YMC*A, Copenhagen

08/2017: YWC*A, Copenhagen

07/2017: Mean dimension and sofic entropy meet dynamical systems, geometric analysis

               and information theory, Banff

06/2017: Barcelona Conference on C*-algebras: Structure, Classification, Dynamics, CRM

03/2017: Workshop on C*-algebras and Dynamical Systems, CRM Barcelona

03/2017: Advanced course on operator algebras: Groupoids: Crossed Products, Rokhlin

               Dimension, CRM Barcelona

2017:      Operator Algebras: Dynamics and Interactions,

               Intensive Research Program, CRM Barcelona

01/2017: Structure of Operator Algebras: Subfactors and Fusion Catagories, INI, Cambridge

11/2016: Classification of C*-algebras, IMPAN, Warsaw

10/2016: Riemann Conference, Münster

2016:      Noncommutative Geometry The Next Generation,

               Simons Semester, IMPAN, Warsaw

08/2016  Micro-Workshop on Noncommutative Geometry and KK-theory for the N-body Problem,


08/2016: C*-Algebras, Oberwolfach

08/2016: Operator Algebras and Mathematical Physics, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

07/2016: YMC*A, Münster

07/2016: Groups, Dynamics and Operator Algebras, QMUL, London

07/2016: Von Neumann Algebras, Bonn

05/2016: Kolloquium, Regensburg

02/2016: Classification and dynamical systems I: C*-algebras,

               Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm

02/2016: Masterclass: Quasidiagonality and classification of C*-algebras,

               Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm

2016:      Classification of operator algebras: complexity, rigidity, and dynamics,

               Institut Mittag-Leffler, Stockholm

02/2016: Festkolloquium anlässlich der Emeritierung von Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Joachim Cuntz

01/2016: Winter School on Isomorphism Conjectures and Geometry of Groups, Münster

11/2015: Lecture Series, Copenhagen

10/2015: East Coast Operator Algebra Symposium, Iowa

09/2015: Celebrating new appointments: Xin Li, QMU London

08/2015: YMC*A, Copenhagen

08/2015: Abel Symposium, Hurtigruten

07/2015: Workshop on C*-algebras: Geometry and Actions, Münster

06/2015: International Conference on C*-algebras and Dynamical Systems, Shijiazhuang


06/2015: COSy, Waterloo

05/2015: Erikfest, Copenhagen

04/2015: Workshop on C*-algebras: Structure and Classification, Münster

2015:      Focus Programme on C*-algebras, Münster

02/2015: Operator Algebras Seminar, Leuven

01/2015: Kolloquium, Essen

10/2014: Dynamics of C*-algebras: Amenability and Soficity, Banff

08/2014: C Star Masterclass and Conference, Glasgow

08/2014: Operator Algebras and Applications, Cheongpung, Korea (Satellite of 2014 ICM)

07/2014: Model Theory & C*-algebras, Münster

07/2014: OT25, Timisoara

06/2014: COSy, Fields Institute

06/2014: C*-algebras and Dynamical Systems, Fields Institute

05/2014: GPOTS 2014, Manhattan, Kansas

05/2014: Quantum Groups and Operator Algebras, Münster

2014:      Thematic Program on Abstract Harmonic Analysis, Banach and Operator Algebras,

               Fields Institute

12/2013: Trevor West: An Irish Mathematician, Dublin

11/2013: SFB Miniworkshop on C*-algebras, C*-bundles and Group Actions, Münster

10/2013: C*-algebras in Scotland, Aberdeen

09/2013: Classifying Structures for Operator Algebras and Dynamical Systems,


09/2013: Noncommutative Geometry, Oberwolfach

09/2013: Masterclass Free Probability and Operator Algebras, Münster

08/2013: C*-Algebren, Oberwolfach

08/2013: Groups, Dynamical Systems, and C*-algebras, Münster

08/2013: Concentration week on Dynamics, Geometry and Operator Algebras, Texas A&M

08/2013: SUMIRFAS, Texas A&M

05/2013: Spring Operator Algebras Program, ECNU, Shanghai

04/2013: The structure and classification of nuclear C*-algebras, ICMS, Edinburgh

03/2013: C*-algebras and noncommutative dynamics, Be’er Sheva

10/2012: C*-algebras, Dynamics and Classification, Oberwolfach

09/2012: Workshop on Applications (of Set Theory) to Operator Algebras, Fields Institute

09/2012: Workshop on Semiprojectivity, Copenhagen

06/2012: Descriptive Set Theory and Functional Analysis, Banff

05/2012: Von Neumann conference, Münster

05/2012: CBMS conference, Lafayette

03/2012: NBFAS

03/2012: Young Functional Analysts Workshop, Oxford

01/2012: Set Theory and C*-algebras, AIM, Palo Alto

11/2011: Masterclass on Nuclear Dimension of C*-algebras, Copenhagen

11/2011: Workshop in honor of Kirchberg’s 65th birthday

09/2011: Conference on C*-algebras and Related Topics, RIMS, Kyoto

2011/12: Operator Algebras and their Applications, RIMS, Kyoto

06/2011: Special Week on Operator Algebras, East China Normal University, Shanghai

06/2011: Advanced Course on Dynamical Systems, CRM, Barcelona

06/2011: Conference on Structure and Classification of C*-algebras, CRM, Barcelona

05/2011: COSy, Victoria

04/2011: Workshop on Dynamics and C*-algebras, CRM, Barcelona

2011:      The Cuntz Semigroup and the Classification of C*-algebras, CRM, Barcelona

09/2010: Classification of Amenable C*-algebras, Banff

09/2010: LMS Midlands Regional Meeting and Workshop on C*-algebras, Nottingham