
Stuart White: “Von Neumann algebras for C*-algebraists”

– 9 lectures –

1. lecture 29.04.2015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117

2. lecture 30.04.2015, 14–16, M5

  1. 3.lecture 13.05.2015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117

  2. 4.lecture 20.05.1015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117

  3. 5.lecture 03.06.2015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117

  4. 6.lecture 17.06.2015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117

  5. 7.lecture 25.06.2015, 14–16, M5

  6. 8.lecture 08.07.2015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117

  7. 9.lecture 29.07.2015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117


Recent developments in the structure of C*-algebras have shown striking parallels with the structure theory of von Neumann algebras. Motivated by this, my aim in these lectures is to cover some of those aspects of von Neumann algebras which we're currently seeing in C*-algebras, but I won't be aiming to draw the parallels explicitly (so no background in the structure theory of C*-algebras will be assumed – but you should know the basic notions of operator algebras).


Dietmar Bisch: “Introduction to subfactors”

– 27.04.2015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117 –


Stefaan Vaes: “An introduction to deformation/rigidity for von Neumann algebras”

– 01./02. June; 2 lectures –

01.06.2015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117

02.06.2015, 15–17, M6


Alan Carey: “Invariants from KK-Theory”

– June 2015; 3 lectures –

  1. 1.lecture 08.06.2015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117

  2. 2.lecture 11.06.2015, 14–16, M5

  3. 3.lecture 15.06.2015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117


I will give a summary of KK-theory then describe an

application to the bulk-edge correspondence in a model of the

quantum Hall effect.

Then I will discuss two aspects of the equivariant theory:

KMS states and Emerson's theorem including some discussion of the role of classification theory.


Chris Phillips: “Large subalgebras and application to the

radius of comparison of crossed products by minimal homeomorphisms”

– 22.06.2015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117 –



We define large subalgebras of simple C*-algebras. These have several applications to the structure of crossed products, of which we concentrate on one: giving an upper bound on the radius of comparison (an entirely C*-algebraic invariant) of the crossed product by a minimal homeomorphism in terms of the mean dimension of the homeomorphism (a purely dynamical notion). Our result applies whenever the space involved has infinitely many connected components.

We will define large subalgebras, and in particular give the main ideas of the proof that a large subalgebra has the same radius of comparison as the containing algebra.

Some lecture notes for more extensive lectures on large subalgebras and the radius of comparison can be found here.


David Kerr: t.b.a.

– July 2015; appr. 3 lectures –

1. lecture 06.07.2015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117

  1. 2.lecture 27.07.2015, 14–16, SRZ 116/117

  2. 3.lecture 28.07.2015, 16:15–17:15, M6

In the context of our Focus Programme on C*-algebras, in the summer semester 2015 we will host some lecture series on C*-algebras, von Neumann algebras, and related topics.

The lectures will be delivered by internationally leading experts, including Stuart White, Alan Carey, David Kerr, Stefaan Vaes.

We will meet in most weeks during the semester on Wednesdays, 14–16, SRZ 116/117 (new new building). During some weeks the schedule will change subject to availability of our lecturers.

Lecture series on C*-algebras, von Neumann algebras, and related topics