Prof. Dr. Urs Hartl

Oberseminar Arithmetic of Function Fields - WiSe 2010/11

Zeit: mittwochs 8:00 - 10:00
Ort: Seminarraum im Blauen Pavillion

Termin Thema
13.10.2010 Organisatorisches Treffen
20.10.2010 Faltings MSRI-Vortrag: Introduction to Shimura varieties
3.11.2010 Faltings MSRI-Vortrag: Introduction to Shimura varieties
10.11.2010 Urs Hartl: From quadratic reciprocity to the Langlands correspondence
17.11.2010 Rajneesh Singh: The cotangent complex I
24.11.2010 Rajneesh Singh: The cotangent complex II
16.12.2010 Rajneesh Singh: The relation between cotangent complexes and local shtukas
19.1.2011 Esmail Arasteh Rad: The Serre-Tate Theorem for G-shtukas I
26.1.2011 Esmail Arasteh Rad: The Serre-Tate Theorem for G-shtukas II
28.1.2011 (16:00 Uhr)   Tim Schauch: Introduction to Geometric Invariant Theory
16.2.2011 Tim Schauch: Period Spaces for Hodge-Pink structures and GIT, Teil I
17.2.2011 (9:00 Uhr)   Tim Schauch: Period Spaces for Hodge-Pink structures and GIT, Teil II

U. Hartl, letzte Änderung: 8.2.2011